If you don't get out of sight before the icon fills with red, you'll be attacked. If an enemy spots you in a restricted area, a yellow eye icon will appear to indicate that you've been spotted. Press to take cover behind an object while crouching. While crouching, you're harder to detect. Hold to crouch while in Low Profile mode. High Profile actions are faster and flashier, but may alarm civilians or be interpreted as hostile. While you're in Low Profile mode, your actions and movements are slower, but less likely to attract notice. Hold to switch from Low Profile to High Profile mode. Hold to skip the current cinematic scene. Use to open the Quick Selection Menu and equip your weapons and tools. Gold: Mission Targets 3.1.6 Weapon and Tool Selection White: Hiding Spots / Mission Givers / Interactive Objects / Secret Objects Eagle Vision allows you to see through walls and highlights important features of the environment. Press while near an interactive object to interact with it. Sprinting can attract the attention of guards and other enemies. The farther you push, the faster you move.